Bucket Operations
PUT Bucket
Creates a new bucket. To create a bucket, you must have a user ID and a valid AWS Access Key ID to authenticate requests. Buckets may not be created by an anonymous user.
In general, bucket names should follow domain name constraints.
Bucket names must be unique.
Bucket names cannot be formatted as IP address.
Bucket names can be between 3 and 63 characters long.
Bucket names must not contain uppercase characters or underscores.
Bucket names must start with a lowercase letter or number.
Bucket names must be a series of one or more labels. Adjacent labels are separated by a single period (.). Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Each label must start and end with a lowercase letter or a number.
The above constraints are relaxed if the option ‘rgw_relaxed_s3_bucket_names’ is set to true except that the bucket names must still be unique, cannot be formatted as IP address and can contain letters, numbers, periods, dashes and underscores for up to 255 characters long.
PUT /{bucket} HTTP/1.1
Host: s3.z1storage.com
x-amz-acl: public-read-write
Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
Name | Description | Valid Values | Required | |
x-amz-acl |
Canned ACLs. | private , public-read , public-read-write , authenticated-read |
No | |
x-amz-bucket-object-lock-enabled |
Enable object lock on bucket. | true , false |
| No |
Request Entities
Name | Type | Description |
CreateBucketConfiguration |
Container | A container for the bucket configuration. |
LocationConstraint |
String | A zonegroup api name, with optional S3 Bucket Placement |
HTTP Response
The operation will succeed if the bucket name is unique, within constraints and unused. Should a bucket with the same name already exist, however the user is the bucket owner, the operation will succeed. The operation will fail if the bucket name is already in use.
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
409 |
BucketAlreadyExists | Bucket already exists under different user’s ownership. |
Deletes a bucket. You can recycle bucket names following a successful bucket removal.
DELETE /{bucket} HTTP/1.1
Host: s3.z1storage.com
Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
HTTP Response
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
204 |
No Content | Bucket removed. |
GET Bucket
Returns a list of bucket objects.
GET /{bucket}?max-keys=25 HTTP/1.1
Host: s3.z1storage.com
Name | Type | Description |
prefix |
String | Only returns objects that contain the specified prefix. |
delimiter |
String | The delimiter between the prefix and the rest of the object name. |
marker |
String | A beginning index for the list of objects returned. |
max-keys |
Integer | The maximum number of keys to return. Default is 1000. |
allow-unordered |
Boolean | Non-standard extension. Allows results to be returned unordered. Cannot be used with delimiter. |
HTTP Response
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
200 |
OK | Buckets retrieved |
Bucket Response Entities
GET /{bucket}
returns a container for buckets with the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
ListBucketResult |
Entity | The container for the list of objects. |
Name |
String | The name of the bucket whose contents will be returned. |
Prefix |
String | A prefix for the object keys. |
Marker |
String | A beginning index for the list of objects returned. |
MaxKeys |
Integer | The maximum number of keys returned. |
Delimiter |
String | If set, objects with the same prefix will appear in the CommonPrefixes list. |
IsTruncated |
Boolean | If true , only a subset of the bucket’s contents were returned. |
CommonPrefixes |
Container | If multiple objects contain the same prefix, they will appear in this list. |
Object Response Entities
The ListBucketResult
contains objects, where each object is within a Contents
Name | Type | Description |
Contents |
Object | A container for the object. |
Key |
String | The object’s key. |
LastModified |
Date | The object’s last-modified date/time. |
ETag |
String | An MD-5 hash of the object. (entity tag) |
Size |
Integer | The object’s size. |
StorageClass |
String | Should always return STANDARD . |
Type |
String | Appendable or Normal . |
Get Bucket Location
Retrieves the bucket’s region. The user needs to be the bucket owner to call this. A bucket can be constrained to a region by providing LocationConstraint
during a PUT request.
Add the location
subresource to bucket resource as shown below
GET /{bucket}?location HTTP/1.1
Host: s3.z1storage.com
Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
Response Entities
Name | Type | Description |
LocationConstraint |
String | The region where bucket resides, empty string for default region |
Get Bucket ACL
Retrieves the bucket access control list. The user needs to be the bucket owner or to have been granted READ_ACP
permission on the bucket.
Add the acl
subresource to the bucket request as shown below.
GET /{bucket}?acl HTTP/1.1
Host: s3.z1storage.com
Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}
Response Entities
Name | Type | Description |
AccessControlPolicy |
Container | A container for the response. |
AccessControlList |
Container | A container for the ACL information. |
Owner |
Container | A container for the bucket owner’s ID and DisplayName . |
ID |
String | The bucket owner’s ID. |
DisplayName |
String | The bucket owner’s display name. |
Grant |
Container | A container for Grantee and Permission . |
Grantee |
Container | A container for the DisplayName and ID of the user receiving a grant of permission. |
Permission |
String | The permission given to the Grantee bucket. |
PUT Bucket ACL
Sets an access control to an existing bucket. The user needs to be the bucket owner or to have been granted WRITE_ACP
permission on the bucket.
Add the acl
subresource to the bucket request as shown below.
PUT /{bucket}?acl HTTP/1.1
Request Entities
Name | Type | Description |
AccessControlPolicy |
Container | A container for the request. |
AccessControlList |
Container | A container for the ACL information. |
Owner |
Container | A container for the bucket owner’s ID and DisplayName . |
ID |
String | The bucket owner’s ID. |
DisplayName |
String | The bucket owner’s display name. |
Grant |
Container | A container for Grantee and Permission . |
Grantee |
Container | A container for the DisplayName and ID of the user receiving a grant of permission. |
Permission |
String | The permission given to the Grantee bucket. |
List Bucket Multipart Uploads
GET /?uploads
returns a list of the current in-progress multipart uploads–i.e., the application initiates a multipart upload, but the service hasn’t completed all the uploads yet.
GET /{bucket}?uploads HTTP/1.1
You may specify parameters for GET /{bucket}?uploads
, but none of them are required.
Name | Type | Description |
prefix |
String | Returns in-progress uploads whose keys contains the specified prefix. |
delimiter |
String | The delimiter between the prefix and the rest of the object name. |
key-marker |
String | The beginning marker for the list of uploads. |
max-keys |
Integer | The maximum number of in-progress uploads. The default is 1000. |
max-uploads |
Integer | The maximum number of multipart uploads. The range from 1-1000. The default is 1000. |
upload-id-marker |
String | Ignored if key-marker is not specified. Specifies the ID of first upload to list in lexicographical order at or following the ID . |
Response Entities
Name | Type | Description |
ListMultipartUploadsResult |
Container | A container for the results. |
ListMultipartUploadsResult.Prefix |
String | The prefix specified by the prefix request parameter (if any). |
Bucket |
String | The bucket that will receive the bucket contents. |
KeyMarker |
String | The key marker specified by the key-marker request parameter (if any). |
UploadIdMarker |
String | The marker specified by the upload-id-marker request parameter (if any). |
NextKeyMarker |
String | The key marker to use in a subsequent request if IsTruncated is true . |
NextUploadIdMarker |
String | The upload ID marker to use in a subsequent request if IsTruncated is true . |
MaxUploads |
Integer | The max uploads specified by the max-uploads request parameter. |
Delimiter |
String | If set, objects with the same prefix will appear in the CommonPrefixes list. |
IsTruncated |
Boolean | If true , only a subset of the bucket’s upload contents were returned. |
Upload |
Container | A container for Key , UploadId , InitiatorOwner , StorageClass , and Initiated elements. |
Key |
String | The key of the object once the multipart upload is complete. |
UploadId |
String | The ID that identifies the multipart upload. |
Initiator |
Container | Contains the ID and DisplayName of the user who initiated the upload. |
DisplayName |
String | The initiator’s display name. |
ID |
String | The initiator’s ID. |
Owner |
Container | A container for the ID and DisplayName of the user who owns the uploaded object. |
StorageClass |
String | The method used to store the resulting object. STANDARD or REDUCED_REDUNDANCY |
Initiated |
Date | The date and time the user initiated the upload. |
CommonPrefixes |
Container | If multiple objects contain the same prefix, they will appear in this list. |
CommonPrefixes.Prefix |
String | The substring of the key after the prefix as defined by the prefix request parameter. |
PUT /?versioning
This subresource set the versioning state of an existing bucket. To set the versioning state, you must be the bucket owner.
You can set the versioning state with one of the following values:
Enabled : Enables versioning for the objects in the bucket, All objects added to the bucket receive a unique version ID.
Suspended : Disables versioning for the objects in the bucket, All objects added to the bucket receive the version ID null.
If the versioning state has never been set on a bucket, it has no versioning state; a GET versioning request does not return a versioning state value.
PUT /{bucket}?versioning HTTP/1.1
Name | Type | Description |
VersioningConfiguration |
Container | A container for the request. |
Status |
String | Sets the versioning state of the bucket. Valid Values: Suspended/Enabled |
Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket.
PUT /{bucket}?object-lock HTTP/1.1
Request Entities
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ObjectLockConfiguration |
Container | A container for the request. | Yes |
ObjectLockEnabled |
String | Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. | Yes |
Rule |
Container | The Object Lock rule in place for the specified bucket. | No |
DefaultRetention |
Container | The default retention period applied to new objects placed in the specified bucket. | No |
Mode |
String | The default Object Lock retention mode. Valid Values: GOVERNANCE/COMPLIANCE | Yes |
Days |
Integer | The number of days specified for the default retention period. | No |
Years |
Integer | The number of years specified for the default retention period. | No |
HTTP Response
If the bucket object lock is not enabled when creating the bucket, the operation will fail.
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
400 |
MalformedXML | The XML is not well-formed |
409 |
InvalidBucketState | The bucket object lock is not enabled |
Gets the Object Lock configuration for a bucket. The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket.
GET /{bucket}?object-lock HTTP/1.1
Response Entities
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ObjectLockConfiguration |
Container | A container for the request. | Yes |
ObjectLockEnabled |
String | Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. | Yes |
Rule |
Container | The Object Lock rule in place for the specified bucket. | No |
DefaultRetention |
Container | The default retention period applied to new objects placed in the specified bucket. | No |
Mode |
String | The default Object Lock retention mode. Valid Values: GOVERNANCE/COMPLIANCE | Yes |
Days |
Integer | The number of days specified for the default retention period. | No |
Years |
Integer | The number of years specified for the default retention period. | No |
Create Notification
Create a publisher for a specific bucket into a topic.
PUT /<bucket name>?notification HTTP/1.1
Request Entities
Parameters are XML encoded in the body of the request, in the following format:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
NotificationConfiguration |
Container | Holding list of TopicConfiguration entities |
Yes |
TopicConfiguration |
Container | Holding Id , Topic and list of Event entities |
Yes |
Id |
String | Name of the notification | Yes |
Topic |
String | Topic ARN. Topic must be created beforehand | Yes |
Event |
String | List of supported events see: S3 Notification Compatibility. Multiple Event entities can be used. If omitted, all events are handled |
No |
Filter |
Container | Holding S3Key , S3Metadata and S3Tags entities |
No |
S3Key |
Container | Holding a list of FilterRule entities, for filtering based on object key. At most, 3 entities may be in the list, with Name be prefix , suffix or regex . All filter rules in the list must match for the filter to match. |
No |
S3Metadata |
Container | Holding a list of FilterRule entities, for filtering based on object metadata. All filter rules in the list must match the metadata defined on the object. However, the object still match if it has other metadata entries not listed in the filter. |
No |
S3Tags |
Container | Holding a list of FilterRule entities, for filtering based on object tags. All filter rules in the list must match the tags defined on the object. However, the object still match it it has other tags not listed in the filter. |
No |
S3Key.FilterRule |
Container | Holding Name and Value entities. Name would be: prefix , suffix or regex . The Value would hold the key prefix, key suffix or a regular expression for matching the key, accordingly. |
Yes |
S3Metadata.FilterRule |
Container | Holding Name and Value entities. Name would be the name of the metadata attribute (e.g. x-amz-meta-xxx ). The Value would be the expected value for this attribute. |
Yes |
S3Tags.FilterRule |
Container | Holding Name and Value entities. Name would be the tag key, and Value would be the tag value. |
Yes |
HTTP Response
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
400 |
MalformedXML | The XML is not well-formed |
400 |
InvalidArgument | Missing Id; Missing/Invalid Topic ARN; Invalid Event |
404 |
NoSuchBucket | The bucket does not exist |
404 |
NoSuchKey | The topic does not exist |
Delete Notification
Delete a specific, or all, notifications from a bucket.
Notification deletion is an extension to the S3 notification API
When the bucket is deleted, any notification defined on it is also deleted
Deleting an unknown notification (e.g. double delete) is not considered an error
DELETE /bucket?notification[=<notification-id>] HTTP/1.1
Name | Type | Description |
notification-id |
String | Name of the notification. If not provided, all notifications on the bucket are deleted |
HTTP Response
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
404 |
NoSuchBucket | The bucket does not exist |
Get/List Notification
Get a specific notification, or list all notifications configured on a bucket.
GET /bucket?notification[=<notification-id>] HTTP/1.1
Name | Type | Description |
notification-id |
String | Name of the notification. If not provided, all notifications on the bucket are listed |
Response Entities
Response is XML encoded in the body of the request, in the following format:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
NotificationConfiguration |
Container | Holding list of TopicConfiguration entities |
Yes |
TopicConfiguration |
Container | Holding Id , Topic and list of Event entities |
Yes |
Id |
String | Name of the notification | Yes |
Topic |
String | Topic ARN | Yes |
Event |
String | Handled event. Multiple Event entities may exist |
Yes |
Filter |
Container | Holding the filters configured for this notification | No |
HTTP Response
HTTP Status | Status Code | Description |
404 |
NoSuchBucket | The bucket does not exist |
404 |
NoSuchKey | The notification does not exist (if provided) |